Speaker: Rev. María Cristina Vlassidis Burgoa


Inspired by their love of nature and in the face of so much devastation from forest fires, our youth have created a service to honor the trees. They have written their own stories, poems, and created art to share with us. Let us support our youth as they develop their leadership skills and offer us … Continue reading Trees


What does it mean for us to be committed at this time in our nation’s history, in this particular state, in this community of faith? What challenges are we prepared to face, what obstacles are we prepared to overcome, and what sacrifices are we prepared to make to uphold the values – social, religious, and … Continue reading Committed

Indigenous People’s Day

In 2020, the United States will approach the 400th anniversary of the much-mythologized encounter at Plymouth between colonists and those native to the land. Our Unitarian Universalist Faith calls us to change the national narrative around this anniversary and Columbus Day and instead honor Indigenous Peoples’ Day and the larger history of Indigenous people.

Vote Love Defeat Hate

A National UU The Vote Worship Service with a special message from UUA President, Rev. Susan Frederick-Gray. This fall, the UU the Vote team is excited to invite all our Unitarian Universalist congregations and covenanting communities to participate in a special UU the Vote worship service, drawing together voices from across Unitarian Universalism as we … Continue reading Vote Love Defeat Hate

Yom Kippur

On the Jewish Day of Atonement, the holiest of the faith’s Holy Days, we gather to reflect and pray. It is an opportunity to examine the heart, take inventory of the times when we have missed the mark, and ask for forgiveness. 

Protect Juristac

We welcome guest speakers in solidarity with the Amah Mutsun Tribal Band to learn about a proposed sand and gravel mine that would devastate the sacred people, animal relatives, land, and lake of Juristac. Join us to learn more about Juristac and renew our commitment to nourish meaningful relationships with our indigenous neighbors.

Water Ceremony

Join us for our annual in-gathering Water Ceremony marking the beginning of a new church year. If you’ve ever been by the ocean, lake, river, waterfall, kitchen sink, garden hose, or other source of water that offered you a sense of renewal and reminded you of how precious and beautiful water is, please bring those … Continue reading Water Ceremony

Holy Now

“Blueboat Home” composer, Peter Meyer, wrote another song that is less well known: “Holy Now.” It says in part: “This morning, outside I stood and saw a little red-winged bird shining like a burning bush singing like a scripture verse. It made me want to bow my head. Everything is holy now…” Join us for a … Continue reading Holy Now