Topic: Podcasts

May Day

May Day is celebrated on May 1st, a time of celebrating Spring and exchanging flowers with neighbors and friends.  In earth-relating and deities-relating cultures of the Northern Hemisphere the themes of fertility, beauty, renewal art and abundance were celebrated in festivals like Walpurgisnacht, Beltane and Floralia.  International Workers day is May 1st as well.  How … Continue reading May Day

Celebrate Earth Day

“Inch by inch and row by row” is how our garden and our beloved community grows. Join us as we celebrate our green sanctuary, our beautiful church grounds, and express our gratitude to our volunteer gardeners. Earth Day Fair immediately following the service! Click here to listen to the sermon

A Generous Comfort

How do we give our hearts and bodies comfort so that we can give gorgeously of our gifts and treasures out into our community and the world? Join guest Megan Dowdell in exploring this question through sermon, song and spirit. Megan serves as Assistant Professor of Ethics and Society at Starr King School for the Ministry, … Continue reading A Generous Comfort