Year: 2013

Andy’s Flaming Chalice – February 2013

February greetings! This is the month of groundhogs, sweethearts and leap years. It also brings President’s Day, which honors the birthdays of two U.S. Presidents critical to our national political development, George Washington and Abraham Lincoln. Their actions are highly instructive about getting along as a community of individuals. Washington, after having successfully prosecuted the … Continue reading Andy’s Flaming Chalice – February 2013

Memorial Service

Janet Durant’s memorial service will be held at Starr King Church Saturday, January 12th at 2:00 p.m.  All are invited.

Interning in January

It’s hard to imagine times more in need of love. We were rent apart as individuals, communities and a nation by the horrific shootings in Newtown. I see from a CNN post the words of Rep. Tim Scott of South Carolina; the appointee to replace Sen. Jim DeMint, who hinted that he may oppose any … Continue reading Interning in January