Category: Blog

All of Who You Are is Sacred

Beloveds, This month our theme is Wholeness and we want to offer opportunities for all of us to practice self-care and to engage in healing experiences. Part of healing is creating spaces of radical welcoming and unconditional love. For many of us who identify as Lesbian/Gay/Bisexual/Transgender/Queer/Two-Spirit/Gender-not-conforming, our spiritual journeys have not always contributed to our … Continue reading All of Who You Are is Sacred

Why Choir?

Linli Wang has been our pianist and choir leader at Starr King Unitarian Universalist Church since 2017. She is, simply put, amazing! It is a wonderful time to join the choir or just sit back and enjoy the music. Here are some her reflections from our March 24th worship service:   As we feature our … Continue reading Why Choir?

Finding Our Way Home

Finding Our Way Home Rev. María Cristina Beloveds, Last week I was blessed to participate in the UUA’s annual Finding Our Way Home (FOWH) gathering in Miami. Finding Our Way Home is an annual retreat hosted by the UUA for Unitarian Universalist religious professionals of color. It offers community building, spiritual reflection, and collegial support … Continue reading Finding Our Way Home

Prayer for Travelers

Our theme for March is “journeys.” Here is a prayer for travelers – all of us!   PRAYER FOR TRAVELERS / ORACION PARA LOS VIAJEROS By Angela Herrera, Senior Minister at First Unitarian Church in Albuquerque, New Mexico In English This is a prayer for all the travelers. For the ones who start out in beauty, who … Continue reading Prayer for Travelers

RE Reflections – December 2018

Keeping the flame of multigenerational cooperation burning bright  Since the beginning of the church year we been working well together to include all ages in our community activities.   We started the year off with a fun family picnic.  We held monthly multigenerational worship services where children have been an active part of the worship services.  … Continue reading RE Reflections – December 2018