Speaker: Ben Ogilvie

“Gifts of the Accident” and Other Lessons

Some of the toughest experiences of my life have also been among the most rewarding. We’ll talk about how weathering difficult experiences together can bring gifts of learning, connection, and love.     Prelude Ring Tibetan Bowl Centering Music Opening Hymn: #354, We Laugh, We Cry Welcome Chalice Lighting: Wisdom Tale: The Rabbit Listened Sing … Continue reading “Gifts of the Accident” and Other Lessons

Talking About Religion and Money in Polite Company

Ben Ogilvie and Rev. Sollie are having a conversation this week about some taboo topics. You are invited into the conversation as well. Welcome! We are always delighted to welcome guests! If this is your first time visiting a Unitarian Universalist church or our congregation, here’s some idea of what to expect. Order of Service Prelude: … Continue reading Talking About Religion and Money in Polite Company

Our Radical Activist Ancestors

The religious right is a relative newcomer in US culture. The religious left dates back to the Revolution. Jefferson’s stirring words in the Declaration of Independence about liberty and equality inspired generations of activists, people who believed that those words applied to them, and at the same time were keenly aware that the reality did … Continue reading Our Radical Activist Ancestors

The Interdependent Web of Values

Values, like beings, do not exist in isolation. They are inextricably intertwined. In this service we’ll explore the connections among our recently identified church values, the existing UU principles, and the draft Article 2 of the UUA bylaws. Values define and enrich each other in profound ways. Order of Service Welcome Opening Hymn: #298 Wake … Continue reading The Interdependent Web of Values

Who Do We Choose To Be

If we choose to see the past – and the present – with clear eyes and an open heart we can act in ways that align with our values, and make a difference in the world. Let’s talk about obstacles to this and the potential rewards of doing it faithfully.  

Widening the Circle of Love

If love is our shared theological core, what does it look like? How do we make it visible in the world? What are the signs that someone is inside or outside our circle of love? How can we widen our individual and communal circles of love?

Reimagining Radical Faith Community

“Reimagining Radical Faith Community” is the theme of our UUA General Assembly this year. Come hear some of the ways the Unitarian Universalist Association is reimagining radical faith community – and ponder how it applies to us in our time of transition.


We are living in immensely difficult times. Deep societal issues including racism, economic inequality, and environmental injustice mar our current lives and threaten to harm the lives of future generations. There are no easy remedies to these community ills, but returning to the practice of covenant may offer a path forward. Living in covenant creates … Continue reading Covenant