Category: Blog

Book Club December 2012

The book club was held at Evelyn Cormier’s house this month. Evelyn, Donnie Rett and Ruth Kuftin were in attendance to discuss “House Rules” by Jodi Piccoult. The book is discussion of a young man with Asperger’s (a form of autism) who is accused of murder and how his family deals with the Aspergers and … Continue reading Book Club December 2012

BGLTQ 2012 Election Highlights

* Wisconsin elected the first openly gay US Senator, Tammy Baldwin. * 3 states passed marriage equality (Maine, Maryland, Washington), the first time for a state wide referendum (vs a court decision or action by the state legislature). This brings the number of states with full marriage equality to 9. * Minnesota voters rejected a … Continue reading BGLTQ 2012 Election Highlights

Book Club – November 2012

Our Starr King book club met Thursday, November 8, at the Kinnears’ house.  We had five people at the discussion, including Terry Hunt, Ruth Kuftin, Jo Murdoch, Donnie Rett, and Joyce Kinnear.  After sipping tea and eating cookies, we moved to the book discussion portion. The book under discussion was “Little Bee” by Chris Cleave.  … Continue reading Book Club – November 2012

Welcoming Congregation Refresher Program Task Force, meeting 1

On October 7, 2012, we had the first meeting of the Welcoming Congregation Refresher Program task force. Attendees: Beth Ogilvie (chair), Regina Fasano, Bob Meyerson, Joy Johnson, Georgia Gruver, John Gruver, Karen Cook, Lea Casini, Frank Satterwhite, Colleen Dino, Dirk Dino, Katie Kandarian-Morris, Heidi Green, Susan Straghalis. [Did I miss anyone?] Action items [status updated … Continue reading Welcoming Congregation Refresher Program Task Force, meeting 1