Category: Blog

Words of Joy – April 2016

Near the beginning of April, the hard-working Ministerial Search Committee will ask one of the “pre-candidates” they have been interviewing to be the candidate for the settled ministry of this congregation And then, in May, comes the moment you have been waiting for—the presentation of the ministerial candidate during what we call “candidating week”—a very … Continue reading Words of Joy – April 2016

Words of Joy – March 2016

Interim Minister’s Column The late UU minister John Wolf expressed some of the reasons why we would want to support a Unitarian Universalist congregation: You want to support it because it has a free pulpit. Because you can hear ideas expressed there which could cost any other minister his or her job. You want to … Continue reading Words of Joy – March 2016

Words of Joy – Valentine’s Day and Love – February 2016

Interim Minister’s Blog           There is no remedy for love but to love more.  — Henry David Thoreau Valentine’s Day is certainly a commercial boon, with billions spent on cards, chocolate. Jewelry and flowers, But behind this day stands the basic human desire to express love. Our current Valentine’s Day seems to be descended from … Continue reading Words of Joy – Valentine’s Day and Love – February 2016